Sexuality is a fundamental part of what it means to be human. And yet, sex in our world today looks nothing like the way that God intended it to be. This four-week series, explores the underlying causes of sexual sin (homosexuality, gender dysphoria, transgenderism, and etc.) and points to the only place we can find help for sexual brokenness—the transforming grace of Jesus Christ. Instead of blaming a hypersexualized culture or throwing up our hands in defeat over the pervasiveness of sexual content, we can have hope and faith in a God who holds to power to change our hearts. By examining the root cause of sexual sin and confessing the real rulers of our hearts, we can find freedom in God’s grace and forgiveness.
Keep in mind that none of the resources we have created or recommended below are perfect. Please filter all of them through the lens and test all of them in the light of God’s perfect Word.
For Parents and Students | 학부모와 학생을 위한 (ENG/KOR)
Messy Grace - Caleb Kaltenbach (ENG)
Messy Truth - Caleb Kaltenbach (ENG)
Is God Anti Gay? - Sam Allberry (ENG) | (KOR)
성경이 동성애에 답하다 - Kevin DeYoung (KOR)
동성애에 대해 교회가 입을 열다 - Erwin Lutzer (KOR)
뜻밖의 사랑: 성 정체성과 그리스도와의 연합 - Rosaria Butterfield (KOR)
성정체성 위기에 대한 성경적 대안 - PDF (KOR)
성경적 성교육을 통한 올바른 성 정체성 확립과 성 가치관 회복 - PDF (KOR)
Holy Sexuality and the Gospel - Christopher Yuan (ENG)
Advice for Students Who are Porn Addicts Article by Ben Stuart (ENG)
Pornography, Fighting for Purity by Deepak Reju (ENG)
DATING | 데이트
Is it Harmful to Date in High School - Interview with John Piper (ENG)
This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teenage Years by Jaquelle Crow (ENG)